Razi congress hall hosted the sixth national veterinary congress for small animals on 16th and 17th October 2016. Hazarteb Tehran was the main sponsor of this exhibition that took place with representatives from Bioveta.a,s from Czech Republic – producers of Biocan and Biofel vaccines for dogs and cats respectively. In addition to the congress, a workshop for Parvo and Distemper disease control in dogs also took place, which was hosted by Dr. Wuhib Ayele (the scientific and technical representative of the company). The interactive presentation covered topics ranging from causes of the disease and symptoms to prevention via vaccination. This was followed by an engaging Q&A session with the audience, which explored the discussions below:
- The importance of on-time vaccination in dogs and preventing vaccinated dogs from coming to contact with unvaccinated dogs, toxic environments, and even persons that have come to contact with infected animals.
- Treatment of secondary bacterial infections and supportive treatments that tackle dehydration and loss of electrolytes.
- Booster vaccines for complete immunisation.
- Importance of on-time vaccination in puppies. According to the latest research, the best time to begin the vaccination of the puppies is between 6 – 8 weeks after birth. This is due to presence of high levels of antibodies in their blood as puppies obtain 85-90% of their antibodies from maternal colostrum and an initial 10-15% from placenta during pregnancy. High levels of MDA block and interfere with any vaccination effort. Consequently, it is advised that the vaccination programmes should be started 6 weeks post birth as this is when the levels of maternally acquired antibodies drops into the suitable range.
- Vaccination programmes in areas with high disease prevalence is as follows:
1. Biocan DHPPi at 6 weeks,
2. Biocan DHPPi+L at 8-9 weeks,
3. Biocan DHPPi+LR at 12-15 weeks,
4. Biocan DHPPi+L after a year and every year then on.
- Main causes of disturbance to vaccination efforts include:
1. Vaccine related causes such as inappropriate storage of vaccines.
2. Human error related causes including incorrect administration, use of disinfectants at vaccination site, improper diet, use of wrong combination of vaccines and simultaneous administration of other medications such as antibiotics.
3. Host relating factors which include: immunodeficiency, untimely vaccination, stress, other simultaneous diseases and hypothermia.